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Lesetipps für Gütersloh, »Tis the Season to Overcome Crises of Faith«

Is Jesus a man or a god? Did God create us? Is it true that we evolved? These uncertainties, among many others, plagued a young Roland G. Williams.

Von: , , Lesedauer 2 Minuten, 40 Sekunden, DOI:10.DE170236410/GÜTSEL.32776, 134.035 Views

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Tis the Season to Overcome Crises of Faith

Tacoma, WA, Dec. 9, 2021

Is Jesus a man or a god? Did God create us? Is it true that we evolved? These uncertainties, among many others, plagued a young Roland G. Williams. When it came to spirituality, he had more questions than answers—a common denominator among those struggling with crises of faith.

»We have five major religions (Trinitarians, Unitarians, Oneness, Muslims and Jews) that set up a wall between one another, with all reading the same bible and coming up with five different gods«, Williams said.

In his quest to bring clarity, Williams spent 23 years researching and documenting the powerful messages he shares in his new book, God's Me, Myself, and I: The Truth and Ultimate Truth about the Trinity Conspiracy (written under the penname God’s Sheepdog). In it, Williams delivers a spectrum of insights, aimed at explaining — and thereby conferring a deeper understanding — of many often-questioned biblical concepts.

In this book, Williams presents …

  • Some of his own crises of faith.
  • The prevalent theme of faith in the One God, from Genesis to Revelation.
  • Scientific proof that God created prehistoric man, albeit not “in the likeness or image of God.”
  • Compelling biblical reasons why keeping one’s faith is so difficult—yet so imperative.
    • Compelling proof of the many major differences between God’s Spirit
  • Produced Son and God’s Begotten Son.
    • That God is male and female, as referenced multiple times throughout scripture.
  • That many bibles have changed and/or omitted God’s Word.
  • How to genuinely increase one’s faith … for life.

Everyone has or will face crises of life and faith, Williams adds. These pivotal times are part of everyone’s spiritual journey. Why then do some people emerge from the crisis with their faith intact while others give up on God, the church and holy living?

“Walking through each crisis—while purposefully maintaining our faith—is the key to emerging from the crisis with our faith still vibrant and alive,” Williams said. “God’s Me, Myself, and I offers the key components to maintain one’s faith when going through crises.”

Roland Williams is originally from Mississippi. He is a former Trinitarian pastor, adult Sunday school teacher, retired chef, abstract artist, publisher and author. He believes in the Father, The Word, the Holy Spirit and the Begotten Son, but through research, understands that God is not a Triune God as the Trinity theology teaches Him to be.

He has studied scholars from Theophilus of Antioch to Tertullian; the Christian Theology of Dr. R. C. Sproul to Dr. James White; and Dr. David Bernard to Dr. Nathaniel Urshan; as well as Dr. Shabir Ally to Dr. Zakir Naik and others.

The University of Chicago History of Religions Journal Scholars Paul Copp, Matthew T. Kapstein and Christian Wedemeyer called Williams’ book “a solid piece of scholarship.”

Connect with Williams on LinkedIn @Roland Williams; Facebook (@Roland Williams) or Twitter (@rwilliams548).

God’s Me, Myself, and I: The Truth and Ultimate Truth about the Trinity Conspiracy

ISBN-10 1732012202

ISBN-13 ‎978-1732012202

Available from Amazon.comExternal Link and BN.comExternal Link


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