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FashFilmFete Celebrating Fashion Storytelling Premieres at Phoenix Art Museum

The inaugural event will screen 21 films from around the world, including documentaries on fashion designers Elie Tahari and Lea Gottlieb, founder of Gottex Swimwear.

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FashFilmFete Celebrating Fashion Storytelling Premieres at Phoenix Art Museum

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FashFilmFete Celebrating Fashion Storytelling Premieres at Phoenix Art Museum

  • The inaugural event will screen 21 films from around the world, including documentaries on fashion designers Elie Tahari and Lea Gottlieb, founder of Gottex Swimwear.

Phoenix, February 15, 2022

Early bird passes for the FashFilmFete are on sale through Feb. 28 via Regular sales begin March 1. The event celebrates fashion storytelling with a mission to create a diverse platform for filmmakers of all backgrounds, specifically those historically underrepresented in the film industry such as women and people of color.

FashFilmFete founder Mignon Gould, who founded archived style and entertainment magazine, was inspired to launch the festival after featuring interviews with film and fashion insiders including costume designers Madeline Fontaine (Jackie), Catherine Martin (The Great Gatsby), and Academy Award-winning Michael O’Connor (Jane Eyre).

The festival takes place Saturday, April 30, 10 a.m.—10 p.m. MST at Phoenix Art Museum. Gould chose the museum because she believes fashion and film are unifying art forms that provide an opportunity to share diverse perspectives, with fashion being "the one art form in which everyone participates," Gould says.

“Phoenix Art Museum is excited to host FashFilmFete”, says Helen Jean, the Phoenix Art Museum Jacquie Dorrance Curator of Fashion Design. “We hope that people throughout the Valley will join us as we celebrate these new cinematic works that explore fashion in film.”

View selected films at Link …

View the jury panel at Link …

About FashFilmFete

FashFilmFete is a premiere film festival celebrating the history, and future, of fashion storytelling. Our mission is to curate a selection of Hollywood, indie, experimental and documentary films to showcase the significance of fashion in filmmaking. FFF will bring together a global community of fashion and film aficionados to explore style in cinema and its influence on pop culture, fashion design, contemporary art and beauty standards. To learn more about FashFilmFete, visit www.fashfilmfete.comExternal Link.

About Phoenix Art Museum 

Since 1959, Phoenix Art Museum has provided millions of guests with access to world-class art and experiences in an effort to ignite imaginations, create meaningful connections, and serve as a brave space for all people who wish to experience the transformative power of art. Located in Phoenix’s Central Corridor, the Museum is a vibrant destination for the visual arts and the largest art museum in the southwestern United States. Each year, more than 300,000 guests engage with critically acclaimed national and international exhibitions and the Museum’s collection of more than 20,000 works of American and Western American, Asian, European, Latin American, modern and contemporary art, and fashion design. The Museum also presents a comprehensive film program, live performances, and educational programs designed for visitors of all ages, along with vibrant photography exhibitions made possible through the Museum’s landmark partnership with the Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona. To learn more about Phoenix Art Museum, visit www.phxart.orgExternal Link, or call 602.257.1880.


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