
Kunst und Kultur, Literatur

Lesetipps für Gütersloh, “Maximum Capacity“ Jumps 1,000 Years Into the Future and Captivates Audiences of All Ages

Dystopian Sci-Fi Novel Captivates With Original Overpopulation Concept: For Every Baby Born ... Another Human Must Die

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“Maximum Capacity“ Jumps 1,000 Years Into the Future and Captivates Audiences of All Ages

  • Dystopian Sci-Fi Novel Captivates With Original Overpopulation Concept: For Every Baby Born ... Another Human Must Die

Washington, February 15, 2022

Morgan James’ new release “Maximum Capacity”: A Novel by Troy Suesse is a daring adventure set in a fascinating dystopian world where for every baby born, another human must die—the good hunt the bad and a monumental struggle to survive on a dying planet Earth intensifies.

Dazzle the imagination with the terrifying reality that Earth’s depleted resources cannot sustain further population growth. Massive overcrowding and starvation have compelled a mysterious ruling body to conduct fight-to-the-death competitions to eliminate society’s worst offenders. Events take place before a live, interactive audience. At the same time, to avoid extinction, mankind desperately searches for new, habitable planets.

“Maximum Capacity” combines two parallel themes: the allure of an Earth-based futuristic action thriller and the fascination of deep space travel and discovery. A truly unique storyline delivers original concepts and clever twists, designed to enthrall Sci-Fi and action-adventure enthusiasts. This gripping novel ushers in an exciting new wave of dystopian intrigue—a must-read for fans of “The Hunger Games”.

About the Author

Troy Suesse is a professional employee with 35 years of federal service in the Intelligence Community. Raised near the robust watershed of the Chesapeake Bay, he developed a fond appreciation for the planet and the majestic beauty of all living things. It’s humbling to know that planet Earth is but a speck of dust nestled among billions of galaxies in a colossal universe. Inspired by science, nature, and outer space, Troy hopes readers will enjoy immersing themselves in an incredible dystopian world as a troubling scenario plays out and, at the same time, garner a greater appreciation for Earth’s precious resources. He invites his audience to share his fascination that there simply must be another planet Earth, somewhere out there, able to sustain us—a place capable of perpetuating the existence of man. Join Troy’s quest to find it.

More About This Title

“Maximum Capacity”: A Novel, by Troy Suesse, released by Morgan James Publishing on February 15, 2022. “Maximum Capacity” — 9781631956423 — has 286 pages and is being sold as a trade paperback for $18.95.


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