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Kunst und Kultur, Literatur

Künstlerhaus Bethanien Berlin: Book Launch and Artist Talk­, Per Svensson, “Sculptural Alchemy”, 17. Oktober 2024

“My work is a free form research in art, alchemy, and sound. In my art, I am occupied with looking up nature’s way to create organic, asymmetrical, and even geometrical structures. In my works.”

Von: , , Lesedauer 1 Minute, 21 Sekunden, DOI:10.DE170236410/GÜTSEL.94068, 88.596 Views

Künstlerhaus Bethanien Berlin: Book Launch and Artist Talk­, Per Svensson, “Sculptural Alchemy”, 17. Oktober 2024

Cover: Peter Rosemann, Informationen zu Creative Commons (CC) Lizenzen, für Pressemeldungen ist der Herausgeber verantwortlich, die Quelle ist der Herausgeber

Künstlerhaus Bethanien Berlin: Book Launch and Artist Talk­, Per Svensson, “Sculptural Alchemy”, 17. Oktober 2024

Berlin, 11. Oktober 2024

“My work is a free form research in art, alchemy, and sound. In my art, I am occupied with looking up nature’s way to create organic, asymmetrical, and even geometrical structures. In my works, I am creating visual and sound art structures of different materials such as; metal, wood, color, sound devices, and film. I work with and feel connected to the primordial elements of nature. My sculptures and performances are about social and environmental issues. My art is created from within, using alchemy and sound as tools, and nature as a source”, Per Svensson.

Künstlerhaus Bethanien is pleased to present the new publication by Swedish artist and former artist in residence Per Svensson. The book is a comprehensive compilation of Svensson’s various projects, including his exhibition at Künstlerhaus Bethanien in 2023. The event will be moderated by Carola Uehlken (artist, curator and author) and led by a panel discussion with Per Svensson (artist) and Dr. Heike Fuhlbrügge (curator and author).

The book is published by Distanz Verlag. The artist's new music album (Hansa Records Berlin) is released at the same event and can be purchased as well. 

About the book

Per Svensson, »Sculptural Alchemy«, 2024, 29,7 by 21,2 centimetres, hardcover, 144 pages, various color images, ISBN 978 3 95476 661 1, 36 euros.

Thursday, october 17th, 2024, 5 pm, kuenstlerhaus #bethanien, #librarykohlfurter strasse 41 bis 43, Lichtfabrik, Berlin, with texts by Christoph Tannert, Dr. Heike Fuhlbrügge, Rainer Unruh, Carola Uehlken, Wilma Lukatsch, Pontus Hammarén, the event will be held in English, no RSVP required, mehrExternal Link


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