#Bitcoin Addresses with Balances Over 1 Million Dollars Have Reached an All time High of Over 112,000

According to Stocklytics.comExternal Link, Bitcoin addresses with balances over 1 million dollars have reached an all time high of 112,743.

The site’s financial analyst, Edith Reads, comments: “The record high of 112,743 #Bitcoin addresses holding over 1 million dollars highlights growing investor confidence and institutional adoption. This milestone validates Bitcoin’s role as a store of value and marks significant progress in the mainstream acceptance of digital assets. Bitcoin addresses with balances over 1 million dollars climbed significantly by up to 237 percent in 2023. By the end of the year, over 81,717 wallet addresses had such balances. As of April 17th, roughly 108,000 had outpaced the 1 million dollars mark.”

Satoshi Nakamoto, the mystery genius behind Bitcoin, holds the keys to the largest stash with over 1.1 million #BTC, valued at approximately 73 billion dollars in May 2024. This BTC is spread across roughly 22,000 addresses and has not been spent besides a few test transactions. The full story and statistics can be found here: Bitcoin Addresses with Balances Over $1 Million Have Reached an All time High of Over 112,000External Link